Mindfulness & Meditation

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This Moment – The Delight in this Day of Excellence

The door to peace and wisdom that the Buddha showed is not in tomorrow and not after death. It is here, now, at this very moment. The present moment is the only way for us to be in contact with reality. The present, this moment, comes between the past and the future without abiding for even a moment. Yet, in this seemingly little moment is the expansive openness! This very moment opens up vast possibilities.

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Pervading the World with Metta – Kakacupama Sutta

In  Kakacupama Sutta and Maha-Rahulovada Sutta, the Buddha teaches how to maintain the attitude of boundless lovingkindness (maitri/ metta) and compassion (karuna) to all beings, as the unshaken basis for one’s relationship with the world. The Tathagata shows  how pervading the world with this deep sense of kindness and compassion lead us to experience profound peace, patience and openness.

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