Existence is Absurd without Compassion

Our existence is absurd and utterly meaningless if we remain cocooned in the shell of self-interest. In that case, Samsara is a never-ending struggle of emotions and confusions with uncertain bouts of pain and pleasure. However, when the sprouts of great compassion for all beings without partiality arise in us, a it turns into the mind of awakening, Bodhicitta.

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The Raft, to be Left Aside

In Diamond Sutra and the Alagaddupama sutta, the Buddha taught that his teachings are like a raft, to be used for a purpose and to be left aside without clinging on to. The raft simile also summarizes the meaning of the three turnings into one line. Here, we shall see how the four types of clinging are utterly abandoned using the three turnings of the teaching.

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