The Three Full Moons

A poetry on the three full moons of Buddha Poornima

A pleasant full moon day of the Vaisakha month,
The groves of Lumbini were in full blossom.
Fragrance spread far and near, rare in kind.

There, on that full moon night, under a sala tree,
Was the birth of Siddhartha, the Prince.

The comforting coolness of his compassionate heart
Surpassed the healing touch of moonlight after a scorching day.
The Bodhisattva took his quest forward,
To end the suffering of all forever.

Was that full moon a mirror turned to the future,
In the long quest of the Prince?
The early glow of the dawn of awakening!

Years passed by.
The Prince strove on his quest…

Another full moon of the Vaisakha month.
In the woods near Niranjana River,
The sound of silence turned clearer and clearer.

There, on that full moon night, under the Bodhi Tree,
Was the birth of the Buddha!

The long quest of Siddhartha came to fruition.
As the veils of mind withered away,
Rose the full moon of awakening.
Siddhartha became the Buddha, the Awakened one.

Finding the roots of existence and
Going totally beyond Samsara,
He became the supreme among humans.

Again, the moon waxed and waned.
But, the moon light of awakening never waned!

Years passed by.
The Buddha turned the wheel of teaching
And showed the way to millions …

Another full moon of the Vaisakha month.
After the day’s journey across horizons,
Sun left painting the sky in scarlet.
Through his lifelong journey
Across the horizons of Samsara and Nirvana,
The Buddha lit up the Way.
Choosing the groves of Kushinagara,
To go beyond the horizons,
He reclined between two sala trees.
The trees sprinkled flowers in honor.

There, on that full moon night, under the Sala Trees,
Was his final act of going well beyond.

His long journey of teaching with words came to fruition.
Teaching once again that whatever is born must perish too,
The Buddha too completely went beyond.

Though the full moon of that night too vanished,
The moon light of awakening never waned.
As the light of a million hearts,
The fullness of awakening still shines in this world!

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